Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

How safe is your smartphone?

Smartphones are getting pretty clever these days but it is unlikely they will outwit the cybercriminals as fraudsters increasingly go mobile.

Last week Android Market, the shop front for applications aimed at Android smartphones, was hit by around 60 malicious apps.

It is thought that they did little real damage other than to Android's reputation, but the incident put the issue of mobile security back in the headlines.

Phones are attractive to criminals because they are essentially mini computers but with some important added extras.

"Phones also have direct access to address books, calendars as well as offering an ability to generate revenue," said Ian Fogg, an analyst with Forrester Research.

The type of personal data typically stored on a phone opens up a rich new vein for the modern fraudster's preferred crime - identity theft.

However, a more immediate income can be made from so-called rogue dialling programs - malicious bits of code capable of placing calls, unbeknown to the owner.

They are, according to Ovum analyst Graham Titterington, the "number one malware threat" to smartphones.

"Rogue dialling connects the phone automatically to a premium number that invariably belongs to a crook based in another country," he explained.

But it is not an insurmountable issue, he thinks.

"I don't understand why the mobile operators can't just cut off payments - then the problem goes away. But this type of international co-operation seems to be lacking at the moment," said Mr Titterington.

The close relationship between smartphones and location poses a risk that malicious apps will be able to track exactly where a person is at any given time.

"It could even be that it would be used to find out when someone is away from home," said Mr Fogg.

While it sounds scary, these nightmare scenarios are very far removed from the real picture, for the moment at least.

"So far there has been no major detrimental impact on consumers," points out Ben Wood, an analyst from CCS Insight."There will be a day when there is a catastrophic security lapse and then people will start taking it more seriously," he added.

Android may have hit the headlines but all smartphone operating systems have been targeted by malware of one kind or another.

To date, most iPhone security lapses have focused on offering users the power to break free from Apple's control with software that 'jailbreaks' the iPhone, a modification which enables users to run non-Apple approved software.
Continue reading the main story
Android - DroidDream - the most recent and most advanced piece of malware hit apps and allowed product ID and userID of phone to be transmitted to remote server
Android - Market Security Tool - the update sent to wipe rogue Android apps has already been hacked and injected with malware. Being distributed via 3rd party app stores in China.
Zeus-in-the-mobile - a trojan working with the Windows virus Zeus, affecting Symbian and Blackberry handsets and aiming to steal online banking details.
Android - Geinimi - similar to the market app attack, it took official apps, added malware and released them via Asian app markets. Could send SMSs, harvest phone data and make phone calls.
Android - ADRD - another trojan that pirated official Android apps.
Source: BullGuard

"These hacks are often reported as a good thing but from a security point of view it is a nightmare," said Mr Fogg.

Several bugs have taken advantage of jail-broken phones.

A relatively harmless iPhone worm which changed the handset's wallpaper to a picture of Rick Astley was followed a few months later with a more serious bug that targeted people using their iPhones for internet banking with Dutch online bank ING.

Blackberry handsets and Symbian phones have been targeted by a mobile version of the Zeus trojan. Victims were directed to a fake website where they are invited to download an app which then steals their banking details.

Such phishing attacks are likely to become a huge problem for smartphones, thinks Alex Vaystikh a researcher from security firm RSA.

"You can't always see the whole screen and you might be more likely to click on things you wouldn't click on a computer screen," he said.

And when mobile banking reaches a critical mass, there will be a good reason for criminals to phish from mobiles.

"There needs to be a financial incentive and that incentive isn't there right now, but consumers definitely want more service on their mobiles, like electronic wallets and banking, so the potential is huge," said Mr Vaystikh.

There are various ways to attack a mobile phone but by far the most popular is through downloadable applications.

Some experts think that Android's Marketplace is especially vulnerable because it is more open than Apple and Microsoft's systems.
Continue reading the main story

Start Quote

We are going to have to see a re-engineering of the infrastructure of how apps are delivered”
Graham Titterington
Ovum analyst

"All have restrictions and guidelines and stipulate no pornography, no viruses and no spyware," explained Phillip Dall, from mobile security firm BullGuard.

"But with the iPhone and Ovi store, apps are sent for some pretty serious testing. At Android the process is different, there are far more self-signed applications," he said.

Others think that there are other aspects to Android which make it just as secure, such as its policy of letting users know what data and resources an app will have access to, giving more savvy users the chance to spot obvious malware.

Google has said that it has no current plans to start pre-screening apps on Android Market.

It said that the recent spate of malicious applications could only access device-specific data.

The company did take the step of remotely "killing" them on all affected phones, proving, if nothing else, that it does ultimately have control over its apps.

There is also a question about how long Apple and Microsoft can continue pre-screening their applications, according to Mr Fogg.

"It is becoming an app internet as they become the primary way people go online, but the sheer volume of them makes human moderation impossible," he said.

Apple does not discuss how it tests apps but it is believed to use both human moderation and automated systems.

Mr Titterington thinks that there needs to be an industry-wide sea-change in mobile security.

"There is a need for Apple and Google to put in place a quality framework - a series of standard tests that issue apps with a health certificate," he said.

And it needs to be made less easy for users to install rogue apps.

"We are going to have to see a re-engineering of the infrastructure of how apps are delivered," he added.

"We need a more proactive approach to installing apps. It isn't going to happen in current generation of phones but maybe in the next two to three years."

Google buys Parrot Pictures to improve YouTube quality

Google has bought Irish company Green Parrot Pictures in a bid to improve the quality of video uploaded to YouTube.

The Dublin-based firm specialises in image processing to improve, for example, sharpness and camera shake.

Its technology has already been used by several big Hollywood film studios on movies such as X-Men and Spiderman.

Google said that Green Parrot's technology would enhance the look of videos posted on its site while using bandwidth more efficiently.

A statement, posted on Green Parrot Pictures' website said: "We're excited to join Google, where we will apply our expertise to improve the online video experience for hundreds of millions of users worldwide on may different products, platforms and services."

Green Parrot Pictures was founded six years ago by Dr Anil Kokaram, an associate professor with the school of engineering at Trinity College, Dublin.

Google, which owns YouTube plans to use Green Parrot's technology to perform on-the-fly background processing on user videos.

Writing on the official YouTube blog, Google's director of video technology, Jeremy Doig said: "What if there was a technology that could improve the quality of such videos -- sharpening the image, reducing visual noise and rendering a higher-quality, steadier video -- all while your video is simply being uploaded to the site?

"You can imagine how excited we were when we discovered a small, ambitious company based in Ireland that can do exactly this."

ipad 2 US LAUNCH

The updated version of the Apple's iPad first appeared in stores across the US last Friday.

Many retailers reported running out of stock within hours, and analysts estimated sales to hit 1m units during the weekend.

Buyers in 24 other countries, including the UK, will be able to get their hands on the iPad 2 next week.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has unveiled the tablet computer at an event in San Francisco on 1 March.

The iPad 2 is said to be twice the speed of its predecessor; it has cameras on the front and back and also features improved graphics.

The first version of the iPad was released in April 2010, and went on sale in Japan in May 2010.

Apple delays Japanese launch of iPad 2

Apple has postponed the launch of the iPad 2 tablet in Japan, as the country struggles to recover from the recent earthquake and tsunami.

Originally planned for 25 March, the company said its launch had been delayed indefinitely.

Many technology firms are facing supply problems after factories in Japan shut down in the wake of the disaster.

However, an Apple spokesperson said the announced delay was unrelated to any supply shortages.

"We are delaying the launch of the iPad 2 in Japan while the country and our teams focus on recovering from the recent disaster," said Natalie Kerris.

Apple has been using its iTunes store to accept donations for the American Red Cross' (ARC) Japan earthquake and tsunami relief fund.

According to the company, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross.

While the country's main focus is on the human cost of the disaster, many businesses are also facing challenges.

Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba and Canon had all been forced to halt production in the immediate aftermath, in order to carry out safety checks.

The prospect of rolling power blackouts means further interruptions are likely over the coming weeks.

Site-loading speed battle 2: Motorola Xoom vs. Apple iPad 2

A couple of weeks back we put the original iPad up against the Xoom in a site-loading speed battle. While most of the feedback was positive, a few commenters expressed their disappointment that we used the original iPad instead of the iPad 2. Well, now that the iPad 2 has been released, we can in fact post the story you've been waiting for. One that will no doubt completely satisfy everyone.

So, let's get right to it.

Site-loading speed is one of the simplest things to test, and it's a test many users can immediately relate to. As I said in the previous post, I'm a greater fan of real-world tests like going to actual, real sites, than of synthetic benchmarks.

We used three different Web sites for the tests: CNET.com, CBSNews.com, and GiantBomb.com. Each tablet was connected to the same closed network with no other devices on it, with the router about 5 feet away. We considered the test to begin the moment we pressed Enter and run to the time the blue progress bar on each tablet disappeared. We used iOS 4.3 for the iPad 2 and iPad, and the Xoom is using Android OS 3.0.1.

Although in the video you'll only see one iteration for each test, we actually ran each test several times; over those runs we got results consistent with what you'll see here. Also, we cleared each tablet's browser cache before each iteration of the tests was run.

Now, as much as we'd love for these tests to be completely relevant for everyone in every situation, that's nearly impossible. We tested these tablets under specific conditions in a "free" environment. The network was closed, but we can't account for noise from other networks interfering. This is a snapshot of performance in our testing environment, and your results may vary.
Web site Motorola Xoom Apple iPad 2 Apple iPad
CNET.com 5 seconds 6 seconds 12 seconds
CBSNews.com 6 seconds 10 seconds 16 seconds
GiantBomb.com 5 seconds 5 seconds 6 seconds

Tested specs Motorola Xoom Apple iPad Apple iPad 2
Maximum brightness 312 cd/m2 388 cd/m2 432 cd/m2
Default brightness 131 cd/m2 161 cd/m2 176 cd/m2
Maximum black level 0.26 cd/m2 0.44 cd/m2 0.46 cd/m2
Default black level 0.11 cd/m2 0.18 cd/m2 0.19 cd/m2
Default contrast ratio 1,190:1 894:1 926:1
Contrast ratio (max brightness) 1,200:1 881:1 939:1

The iPad 2 shows a huge improvement over the original iPad and holds its own against the Xoom for the most part. On a really busy site like CBSnews.com, however, the iPad 2 chokes a bit, while the Xoom flies through with relative ease.

We were surprised that Apple increased the maximum brightness on the iPad 2 and it will be interesting to see what effect that has on the iPad's battery life. Look for some battery life test results very soon.

Microsoft products we hardly knew (images)

Reports have it that Microsoft is killing off its would-be iPod killer, the Zune digital music and video player. Microsoft declined to confirm the reports, though plenty are speculating that the company will keep the Zune brand and continue to produce media player software for Windows Phone 7 and the Xbox 360. If true, that would relegate the much hyped device to the dustbin of failed tech products.

And that got us thinking about other consumer products eliminated by Microsoft over the years. The software giant is hardly alone in tech flops. Apple's success with the iPad and now iPad 2 makes it easy to forget the Newton. And Sony's Betamax flop is the stuff of business school case studies.

Microsoft continues to make boatloads of money selling operating systems for computers bought by consumers. And gamers keep buying Xbox 360s and the games that get played on them. But there's a rogue's gallery of products introduced with great fanfare that have slid into oblivion. Here are a few of them.

Report: Google planning mobile payment trial

Google plans to begin testing a mobile payment service within the next four months, according to a report today.

The company will pay for the installation of thousands of NFC (Near-Field Communication) short-range, wireless point-of-sale systems from VeriFone at stores in New York and San Francisco, Bloomberg reported, citing two unidentified sources familiar with the project. Users of phones with NFC chips in them could then make payments by holding the devices up to the specialized reader.

A Google representative said the company was not commenting on the report. Representatives from VeriFone did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

The adoption of mobile payment systems has been held up by the lack of NFC chips in handsets. Later this year, Visa will begin offering a way to use existing smartphones for such payments with a microSD (Secure Digital) removable memory card.

Mobile payments are being made on the iPhone 3 and 4, various BlackBerry models, and Samsung's Android-based Galaxy S II, while the Nexus S has NFC technology in it. NFC chips also could make their way into Windows-based phones made by Nokia, as well as future iPhone versions.

Meanwhile, Google added some NFC capabilities to Android in an update earlier this year and reportedly is working on a mobile wallet code-named "Cream" that will be integrated into NFC-enabled Androids.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


The good: Powerful updates to the CPU and GPU; excellent battery life; still the best touch pad and gesture controls of any laptop.

The bad: Upgrades can get expensive; Thunderbolt is an unproven technology with as-yet no compatible products; still no dedicated HDMI, Blu-ray, or other wished-for options.

The bottom line: It's a hefty investment, but the combination of new high-end Intel processor options and AMD graphics makes the 15-inch MacBook Pro an all-around powerhouse, with the new Thunderbolt I/O port as an added bonus.

After a now-customary period of rumors, leaks, and anecdotal evidence, Apple's new generation of MacBook Pro laptops has arrived. And though these new models may look the same as the ones they replace, the changes under the hood are some of the most far-reaching in the history of the MacBook Pro brand.

The 15-inch MacBook Pro moves from Intel's original Core i-series CPUs to the latest second-generation chips, formerly code-named Sandy Bridge. Not only that, you can forget about seeing an Intel Core i5 CPU in your 15-inch (or 17-inch) MacBook Pro--these use high-end quad-core Core i7 chips now. Our step-up $2,199 review unit had a 2.2GHz quad-core i7, with 4GB of RAM and a huge 750GB hard drive (at only 5,400rpm, however).

The biggest surprise is the 15-inch MacBook Pro's graphics processor. Instead of the Nvidia GeForce 330M graphics card previously found in these systems, the GPUs now come from Nvidia's longtime rival AMD. The base 15-inch model has an AMD Radeon HD 6490M, and our review unit had an even faster 6750M. With Intel's improved integrated graphics in the 13-inch models, that means that Nvidia has been completely ousted from the MacBook Pro line.

The iconic unibody aluminum construction remains, as does the large glass multitouch trackpad. Most of the ports and connections also remain the same, with one very notable new addition. Where the Mini DisplayPort connection used to be, now an identically sized port is marked with a lightning-bolt icon. That's for Thunderbolt, Intel's new high-speed powered-port technology for data transfer and displays. The Thunderbolt tech is envisioned as a sort of future unified successor to USB, FireWire, and DisplayPort, allowing peripherals to carry data and video at 10Gbps (in the video above, we may have had a slip of the tongue and said Mbps, but we meant Gbps).

For now, at least, that promise is hypothetical. We have very little idea of exactly when Thunderbolt-compatible peripherals will be available (although Apple says the first ones should show up in the spring of 2011), how much they'll cost, or if Apple will be adding the technology to future displays or iOS devices. For now, it's a wait-and-see gamble on a future technology.

The lowest-cost 15-inch MacBook Pro is still $1,799, following the usual Apple trajectory of keeping the price steady but adding faster, more powerful components. While we're still waiting for oft-requested extras such as HDMI, Blu-ray, and 3G, the speed and power of these new quad-core Core i7 CPUs is extremely impressive, and leaves even other recent MacBook Pros in the dust.
Price as reviewed $2,199
Processor 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 quad-core
Memory 4GB, 1,066MHz DDR3
Hard drive 750GB 5,400rpm
Chipset Intel H67
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6750M / Intel HD 3000
Operating system OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard
Dimensions (WD) 14.4x9.8 inches
Height 0.95 inch
Screen size (diagonal) 17.3 inches
System weight / Weight with AC adapter 5.5/6.2 pounds
Category Mainstream

By now, the shape and size of the MacBook Pro should be very familiar. Even more recent Apple designs, such as the second-generation MacBook Air, are basically just variations on it. The core building block remains the same: a solid block of aluminum, which is carved down into a shell with support struts. This unibody chassis has the benefit of being thin (for a 15-inch laptop), but strong and flex-free at the same time.

The touch philosophy that informs the iPad/iPhone line of devices can be said to have its roots in the large multitouch clickpad-style trackpad that's been a staple of the MacBook Pro for years. Of the multitouch gestures, our favorite is sweeping up or down with four fingers to show or hide all your active windows. Once you get used to that, going back to a regular touch pad is difficult. A few new gestures are apparently coming to the next version of OS X, but you won't see those until this summer.

Several Windows laptops have added larger clickpads over the past year or so, with similar multitouch gestures, but we can easily say that none can yet compete with the MacBook Pro's implementation.

The 1,440x900-pixel display is still a higher resolution than many 15-inch laptops (many of which are 1,366x768 pixels), and two screen upgrades are available: a 1,680x1,050-pixel-resolution version for an extra $100, or a 1,680x1,050-pixel-resolution "antiglare" version for $150. That's a lot more flexibility than the 13-inch MacBook Pro, which still doesn't have a glare-free or higher-resolution screen option (even though the current 13-inch MacBook Air has a stock 1,440x900-pixel resolution).
Apple MacBook Pro, 15-inch Average for category [midsize]
Video Mini DisplayPort/Thunderbolt I/O VGA plus HDMI or DisplayPort
Audio Stereo speakers, headphone/microphone jacks Stereo speakers, headphone/microphone jacks
Data 2 USB 2.0, FireWire 800, SD card reader 4 USB 2.0, SD card reader, eSATA
Expansion None ExpressCard/54
Networking Ethernet, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Ethernet, 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, optional mobile broadband
Optical drive DVD burner DVD burner

The big story in the ports and connections category is the new port based on Intel's Thunderbolt high-speed I/O technology. If it looks a lot like the Mini DisplayPort connection on previous MacBook Pros, that's because it is the same, except for the tiny lightning bolt logo next to it. It still functions as a DisplayPort output, and, in fact, you'll be able to daisy-chain up to six Thunderbolt devices or displays to that single port.

While there aren't any Thunderbolt peripherals available yet, we did get to see a demo of a prototype RAID product when we met with Apple, and the performance passing multiple uncompressed HD video streams was impressive. Thunderbolt is technically capable of 10Gbps bidirectional transfer, and if Intel and Apple have their way, it may replace many other kinds of ports and connections in the future.

Also notable on the new MacBook Pro is a 720p Webcam, which works with the new Mac version of FaceTime, the same video-conferencing application found on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch. With a solid Wi-Fi signal, jumping into full-screen mode was clear and mostly stutter-free. There's also an onscreen button for changing the video window from portrait mode to horizontal, and video calls can be made between MacBooks and iPhones as well. You can read more about FaceTime for Mac in this hands-on. It's also worth noting that the SD card slot is now SDXC-compatible, meaning it will work with higher-capacity SD cards.

But while Thunderbolt and FaceTime are interesting extras, the real muscle behind the new MacBook Pro is the quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU and AMD Radeon HD 6750M GPU. In our CNET Labs benchmark tests, it absolutely clobbers the competition, including last year's 15-inch MacBook Pro, which had a first-gen Intel Core i7, and other high-end midsize laptops, such as a Core i7 Alienware M15x.

To be sure, once more systems with these new Intel processors hit the streets, the competitive gap will close up significantly, but for now, this is the fastest laptop we've tested.

The XBOX 360...

The good: All games in high-definition; easy-to-use Dashboard interface; excellent online gaming and communications via Xbox Live; plays hundreds of (but not all) original Xbox titles; doubles as a superior digital media hub and Windows Media Center extender; online Marketplace allows for easy purchases of downloadable full-scale games, minigames, movies, and TV shows; latest version offers HDMI output with 1080p support; reduced power supply footprint; new processor runs cooler and quieter.

The bad: No support for next-generation HD discs, like Blu-ray; early versions of the console prone to "red ring of death" system crash; online gaming require a paid subscription to Xbox Live.

The bottom line: Now that Blu-ray has become the pre-eminent high-definition standard for discs, the Xbox 360 has yet to support it, but it still remains an excellent game console with a superior game library and online experience.

The PS3!!!!!!!!

The good: More affordable $299 price; slimmer, more compact design with quieter operation; all games in high-definition; easy-to-use interface; doubles as a Blu-ray and upscaling DVD player; built-in Wi-Fi; 120GB hard drive; HDMI output with 1080p support; no external power supply; built-in Web browser; free online gaming service.

The bad: Lacks backward support for PS2 games; no infrared port means non-Bluetooth universal remotes aren't compatible; online gaming, media, and commerce options still aren't as fully developed as Xbox Live, though they're getting better.

The bottom line: With a smaller design, more energy-efficient operation, lower price tag, and built-in Blu-ray and multimedia capabilities, the PS3 Slim delivers a compelling package for an affordable price.


Let’s walk through a Kindle vs iPad review that looks at which is the better eReader – the iPad or the Kindle.

This specifically compares the $259 Kindle 2 against the Apple iPad ($499 WiFi, $629 3G). There’ll be a separate Kindle DX vs iPad post later.

Please note that -
If you want a multi-purpose device then iPad is the right choice for you. No need to read the rest of the post.
If you will be reading less than a book a month then the iPad is definitely the better choice.
If you want a dedicated eReader than the Kindle is better – read the post and see the pros and cons.
If price is an issue then the $259 Kindle is the clear choice.

Let’s look at Kindle vs iPad in detail.

Kindle vs iPad Review – iPad advantages

The best way to think of the iPad is as a larger iPhone – one with a 9.7″ screen. The iPad’s advantages are -
It does a lot of things – movies (including HD), TV, color screen web browsing, playing games.
Very good looks.
Larger screen size – the screen is a 9.7 inch IPS display. IPS is really good screen technology.
Full capacitive touch screen and it’s in color.
1 GHz Apple A4 processor.
16, 32, and 64 GB of flash storage – That’s much more storage than the Kindle.
802.11n, WiFi and Bluetooth 2.1 in the 3G model and WiFi and Bluetooth in the WiFi model. Kindle doesn’t have WiFi or Bluetooth.
Accelerometer and Compass. Kindle doesn’t have either.
Good battery life of 10 hours. Standby of over a month. This is still much less than the Kindle.
iPhone Apps – iPad gets all iPhone Apps. The new SDK includes an iPad simulator.
Excellent for newspapers – you get color photos and inline videos and more.

The iPad is optimized for movies and games and doing everything. It also happens to let you read – quite well.

The iPad models are priced at -
WiFi models at $499, $599, and $699. Available around March 27th, 2010.
WiFi+3G models at $629, $729, and $829.

iBooks Store for iPad - iPad as an eReader

The key features of iPad’s iBooks Store -
Menus look like bookshelves with titles on the shelves.
Partnered with Penguin, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, MacMillan, and Hachette.
You can look at reviews and download samples – very similar to the Kindle.
Publishers can choose B&W or color content. They can embed video too.
You can turn pages by tapping the screen or by dragging your finger.
You can change the font and the font sizes.
It’ll offer fiction and textbooks.
It uses ePub format.

It’s quite good.

Kindle vs iPad – Kindle advantages
Price – At $259 the Kindle is much cheaper than the iPad.
Focused on reading – Fewer distractions and the whole device is built with reading in mind.
More compact and lighter. iPad weighs 1.5 pounds and is 0.5″ thin – the Kindle is thinner and lighter (0.36″, 10.2 ounces).
Screen is better for reading.
Free Internet.
Free Wikipedia in 100+ countries around the world.
Amazing battery life of 2 weeks with wireless off and 1 week with wireless on.
iPad has Text to Speech just like Kindle so no advantage there.
Cheaper Prices on books from non-Agency Model Publishers. Same price on Agency Model Publishers’ books.
Wider range of titles. Kindle Store has 450,000 titles while iBooks has 60,000 (30,000 of which are free public domain titles). Kindle for iPad app sort of negates this advantage.
Readable in direct sunlight.

We don’t know what sort of apps we’ll get in the Kindle Store - However, they might make the Kindle better.

Kindle vs iPad – Which is the better eReader?

Let’s consider the reading experience on both devices and the major factors that go into making a great eReader.

Please note that we’re considering books – if you’re buying an eReader primarily for newspapers and textbooks you should stick to the iPad.
Getting Books - A tie. It’s easy to get books on both.
Cheap Books – Kindle wins because it will have lower prices (except for Agency Model books).
Reading Books – The Kindle’s eInk screen is better for reading.
Price – Kindle easily wins.
Screen Quality - iPad has an excellent quality screen and is bigger at 9.7″. eInk is better for reading. iPad wins.
Color – iPad has color. Kindle doesn’t.
Touch and Multi-touch – iPad wins.
Portability – More compact size and better battery life make the Kindle the winner.
Reference and surfing the web for information – iPad wins as it has a better browser and you can see a page at a time.
Store and Software – All the various Stores and software are available as iPad apps. iPad wins.
Ease of Use – This is a tie.
Content Portability – Both Apple and Amazon use proprietary technology. iPad has apps from all stores so it wins.
Free Internet Access – Only on the Kindle and also includes free Whispernet in 100+ countries.
Text to Speech feature – Tie as both have it.
Adding notes – iPad’s iBooks doesn’t allow notes (neither does Kindle for iPad). Kindle does allow notes.
Reading in sunlight – Kindle wins.

Based on these 16 reading related features we have the Kindle and the iPad almost in a tie - Kindle wins 7 areas, iPad wins 6, and they tie in 3 areas.

The Kindle wins overall because it wins in some of the most important areas – price, cheap books, readability of the screen, and portability.

Please weigh the factors according to what you value and consider essential to reading.

A few factors that might be important to you (although they aren’t strictly to do with reading) -
Looks – The iPad wins.
Doing things other than reading – iPad wins.

Kindle vs iPad – Recommendation

This Kindle vs iPad Review arrives at quite a straightforward conclusion -
If you want a device optimized for reading or price is a priority then the clear choice is the Kindle.
If you want a device that does a lot of things well, including reading, then the iPad is the clear choice.

The $499 WiFi iPad makes it very accessible (do factor in the price of data plans if you get the 3G iPad).

Kindle vs iPad is an easy decision because these are very different devices built for two distinct sets of customers.



Kaspersky Labs continues to gain popularity in the security software industry, and it’s easy to see why. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 continues the legacy of providing rock-solid security without sacrificing performance, making it one of the best antivirus software solutions available. Kaspersky Anti-Virus earns the TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award for providing excellent security in an antivirus application that is both professional and easy to use.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a comprehensive program, protecting users from a number of threats including bots, worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware, viruses and other malware. More than just traditional virus scanning, the software includes advanced technologies implemented to detect and prevent new threats.

Some of the new features for 2011 include the new Desktop Security Gadget, System Watcher technology, and additional improvements throughout the software.

Scope of Protection:

As far as desktop antivirus software, Kaspersky Anti-Virus is as all-encompassing as they come. The software is designed to protect users from several angles, effectively detecting, preventing and removing all forms of malware. The antivirus software is equipped to protect users from traditional viruses, but also has advanced technology to protect from even new unknown threats. Furthermore, there are a couple of tools and web-specific features that Kaspersky includes that are normally only found in more comprehensive Internet Security Suites.


Kaspersky is known for their quick response to new viruses, and they’re often among the first to detect new viruses in the wild. One reason the software is so effective is because it is updated regularly and is proactively looking for new security threats. The malware landscape continues to change, and Kaspersky adjusts to address the threats.

One new feature worth noting is the System Watcher, which monitors and logs application activity and behavior. If something suspicious is detected, the software stops the process and informs the user. But more than just uncovering stealth threats, System Watcher can rollback your system and actually delete any malware that was created or spread in the process.

The software works in real-time, protecting you as you surf the web, download files, send and receive emails, and access files and documents. Third party testers and security organizations collectively approve and recommend the software as well. Kaspersky has received top marks in recent VB100 (Virus Bulletin 100%) tests, and certification from ICSA. AV Comparatives has awarded the software with an A+, and West Coast Labs has verified the software for anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-Trojan, and anti-malware. Overall, this software is one of the most effective available, and has the experience and accolades to prove it.

Ease of Installation:

The software is available as a box copy, or you can download the software online and install immediately. The product includes three licenses, and the software works on laptops and netbooks as well. Installation is quick and straightforward, and doesn’t require a restart.

But what if your system is already infected to the extent that you can’t install antivirus software, or even start the computer? If you aren’t able to download the software because of malware, you have the option to download a specialized tool used to preemptively scan your PC and remove the threat to accommodate a clean install.

If your computer is dead, you’ll need the Backup and Rescue Disk, which you can either purchase or create yourself (so remember to do it before your computer dies). This bootable recovery disk can rescue your computer by booting prior to the OS to detect and remove malware, and is a great tool for emergencies.

Ease of Use:

This antivirus software is designed to be simple to use. The software has traditionally been geared towards expert users, but we’ve seen a definite shift to a consumer-level approach in the last few years. The advanced tools are still there (and still plenty strong), but beginners won’t be intimidated. Whether you’re an advanced user looking for intensive controls, or a laid-back user who simply needs protection without constant supervision, Kaspersky will work for you.

The interface is effectively organized and user-friendly. The interface features a color-coded graphic so you always know your security status (the traffic-light color-coded security status is actually bold enough that “at-a-glance" is an understatement; more like “can’t miss it”).

The dashboard is similar to last years’ interface, with left nav tabs and quick access to the quarantine, reports and settings. Accompanying icons and the graphical user interface add accessibility, and are applicable and appealing.

One of the best parts of this security program is that you can set your preferences and let it protect you without constantly monitoring it. Scans and updates are set by to occur automatically by default, and the software includes real-time security as you surf the web, download and open files, or communicate with email or IM. In the event of an infection or potential threat, the software immediately lets you know and provides quick access to identify and fix the problem so you can move on.


Of course even though the software is easy to use, it is also very customizable. Users can control just about every component of the software to schedule scans, adjust security levels, toggle specific features and even change the appearance of the software. There are several improved features and a couple new ones, all included with the intent to provide better security and overall performance.

Introduced last year, the Kaspersky URL Advisor continues to protect users while online. The browser plug-in is available for IE and Firefox, and stops you from navigating to infected websites. You’ll also be protected from phishing scams.

The software also still utilizes the proprietary iChecker and iSwift scanning technologies to keep you protected without hogging your resources. iChecker makes it possible for the software to identify files that have been opened or changed since the last scan, and only scan them, effectively speeding up scans. iSwift keeps an eye on resource usage and can throttle the resource demand as needed to optimize performance to run faster if the system is idle (or slower if you need the PC resources for other programs).

Some other continued features are the virtual keyboard and gamer mode. While the efficacy is debatable, the virtual terminal lets you input sensitive information (credit card numbers, passwords or other personal information) by clicking on the digital “keyboard” with your mouse. While it’s no way to type an essay, the virtual keyboard does avoid key loggers and keystroke recognition malware attempts to steal your information. The game mode makes it possible to enjoy full-screen video games (or movies) without interruptions.

One new feature that we’d like to highlight is the desktop security gadget. The sleek gadget docks on your desktop and provides better access and awareness to your system security at all times. The antivirus widget will change color if your security is at risk, and includes quick links to the most important aspects of the software. You can even drag and drop files directly to the gadget for an immediate manual scan. The buttons and even the appearance of the gadget can be changed (and if you don’t like it you can always disable it).


Frequent updates are essential for effective antivirus and antispyware protection, so Kaspersky Anti-Virus updates on a regular basis for continual security. Updates run in the background automatically, and are frequent enough that they aren’t very big, so you shouldn’t notice any slowdown.

The software isn’t just equipped to keep itself up to date, but can also help you identify and locate essential updates for your system and other applications. The vulnerability scan checks for outdated drivers and can keep you on top of crucial security updates. The tool also identifies settings (like if your computer is set to autorun external media) that you might want to adjust for optimal security.

Help & Support:

Kaspersky offers some great support for all of their product. Technical support comes in the form of a searchable online knowledgebase, FAQs, product manuals and an active form. You can easily access these resources online or from the program itself.

The software also includes context-sensitive helps. Not only are the included help files complete, but they open to information that corresponds with where you are in the software. For more personalized issues you can connect with a support team member over the phone or via online live chat.


Overall, Kaspersky Anti-virus 2011 continued to deliver superb protection and security. As one of the best antivirus software, it is robust and integrates innovative technologies to defend from even the newest threats. It’s a great option for protection and PC peace of mind.

How To Make Ipad In Recorvery Mode

Recovery Mode is how to start all over again on your iPad like new. It erases everything, even the operating system, and reloads directly from Apple. Once that is done, if you have performed a backup of your iPad in the past, you will be able to restore all of your configuration settings and preferences after the reload occurs.

Reasons for using Recovery Mode:
- You jailbroke your iPad and want to make sure all strangeness and problematic code and logs are gone

- Your iPad isn't working quite right and you want to see if starting from the beginning will fix it

- You want to sell your iPad but ensure there are no artifacts or remnants of your personal data, apps, and settings on the device

Again, the below instructions will start you over like an iPad direct from the factory.

To prepare for a recovery mode restore, have the following ready:
- Your computer (plugged in to power) ready with iTunes up and running
- Your iPad synch cable plugged into your computer but NOT your iPad
- Make sure your iPad is at least at 20% battery, preferably higher

NOTE: Do NOT touch the iPad once recovery begins. Make sure your computer doesn't suspend, sleep, or shut down while the process is going on.

- Sitting next to your computer, take your iPad (which should NOT be connected to your PC) and hold down the sleep button (on the top of the iPad) and the home button (front of the iPad) at the same time

- After about 10-15 seconds, the unit will power off (do not do anything when the "slide to power off" screen appears, just keep holding the buttons)

- When the iPad turns back on, you will see the silver Apple appear on the screen. Continue holding down the home button but release the sleep button and immediatly plug the iPad into your computer running iTunes

- You should see a symbol appear on the iPad with a picture of a USB cable with an arrow pointing to the iTunes logo. iTunes will then say that it detected an iPad in recovery mode.

- Let iTunes restore the device. It will download a fresh copy of firmware, install it, and verify the SW.
NOTE: This may take a while. iTunes needs to download about 500MB from the Apple server, then it will start the loader on the iPad, and load the OS.

- After iTunes said that is successfully restored your device, you may get an error message saying the iPad isn't recognized and you're still at the screen with the USB cable and iTunes logo on the iPad. Don't sweat it. Unplug the iPad from the computer. Power off the iPad by holding the sleep button until you see the "slide to power off" - go ahead and slide to power off. Once it is shut down, push the sleep button again until it powers on.

- the iPad will come back to the familiar USB cable/iTunes logo. When it does, just plug it back into your computer and iTunes will activate the iPad.

- if you had previously backed up your iPad, iTunes will tell you there is a backup and ask if you would like it restored. If you wish to do this, accept the prompt. This will also take some time. Note it will NOT put your apps, music, movies, TV shows, etc back on your iPad, just your settings and preferences.

- once the restore is complete, iTunes should recognize your iPad and you can pick your synching options (apps, music, movies, etc, etc) and have a blast! The only thing I noticed it doesn't retain is the page layouts for your apps, so either screen capture them before you begin, or write it down.

iPad1 vs iPad2

How to Jailbreak ipad software 4.2.1

Download the redsn0w software Redsnow b4
Upgrade to iTunes 10.1 if you haven't already.
Install the iOS 4.2.1 firmware via iTunes as usual.
Run the redsn0w software executable.
Redsn0w will ask you to select your IPSW file for your current firmware. Point it to one of the following, depending on your OS:
Mac OS X: /~/Library/iTunes/iPad Software Updates (or iPhone/iPod Software Updates, as the case may be)
Windows 7 or Vista: C:\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates (or iPhone/iPod Software Updates)
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates (or iPhone/iPod Software Updates)

Redsn0w should now say that the IPSW file was successfully identified. On the following screen, check "Install Cydia" then click "Next."
With the iOS device powered off and plugged into the computer, click "Next" again.
Redsn0w will now provide instructions on how to put your device into DFU mode. This is a combination of key presses, that are as follows: Hold the Power button for 1 second, then without releasing it, hold the Home button for 10 seconds. Finally, release Power but keep holding Home for 15 seconds.
One in DFU mode, the jailbreak will proceed automatically.

Compatibility notes: This jailbreak works on all devices. On iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3 and 4, iPad and iPod Touch 2 (MC model) it will be tethered. On iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS (older bootroom), and iPod Touch 2 (older model) it's not tethered. iPhone unlockers should NOT jailbreak!

As always, please proceed with jailbreaking at your own risk. Although relatively easy, it is a form of hacking and things can go wrong, break, crash or just not work at all. Back up your iOS device before jailbreaking in case you need to restore and make sure that critical data (contacts, notes, etc.) is also safely stored elsewhere than on your PC.

And after that don't forget to install the installous in your ipad so you can obtain game or apps on your ipad here are the steps:
1)Go to Cydia.
2)Go to Source.
3)Click add.
4)type cydia.hackulo.us
5)Click add.
6)Go to the Hackulo on the screen at the cydia.
7)Click the Installous and download it.


Why People Jailbreak ipad

Why People Jailbreak

Jailbreaking is a term that refers to a type of hack which opens up the mobile device to allow for the installation of unapproved third-party programs. It has become well known over the years as a method which provides access to pirated iPhone applications - versions of paid applications available for free download from special programs that can be installed on a jailbroken device. However, that's not the only reason that people jailbreak their iPhones and iPod Touches.

The main reason, many would argue, is not for free apps but for more apps - the kinds Apple doesn't approve of. Thanks to a highly-regulated iTunes App Store and the restrictions it imposes on developers, some of the best applications are available outside Apple's domain. Want to turn your iPhone into a modem providing Internet access to your laptop (aka "tethering")? Want to download YouTube videos for offline viewing? Want to tweak hidden settings on your phone? Transfer files with Bluetooth? Enable Flash? Skin the phone with a custom theme and icons? Run apps in the background? Filter phone calls? The list goes on and on.

And yet, while these hacks have great appeal to users of the small mobile devices, some of them will no longer be necessary on the iPad, Apple's upcoming slate computer whose launch is days away.
Why Jailbreak the iPad?

The ability to tether your iPhone to your laptop is one of the most popular reasons why people people jailbreak. However, on the iPad, you either have Wi-Fi only or you have 3G built in. Would you really need to tether your iPad to your notebook computer? Probably not. If you're carrying the iPad around, you probably left the notebook at home.

Another favorite among jailbreakers is an application called Winterboard. This theming app lets you redesign your iPhone's UI from icons to the background and even the battery icon and the "side to unlock" bar itself. On the iPad, though, users can now use any image as the iPad's background image instead of just on the lock screen as is done on the iPhone. While the iPad feature is obviously still much more limited in functionality, it will likely placate some of those who feel the need for just a tad more customization than is available on the iPhone itself.

Similarly, many of the jailbreaking apps that let you perform or tweak phone-related functions will no longer be necessary since the iPad is not a phone. Same goes for the camera apps - the iPad doesn't have one of those either. And Flash? Well, more and more sites are adopting HTML5 technology and with this, videos can be rendered plug-in free, just in time for iPad web surfers to enjoy.

So although there may end up being plenty of reasons to jailbreak the iPad, there will be - at least at launch time - far fewer reasons than on the iPad's sister devices like the iPhone and iPod Touch. But we wouldn't be surprised to see an ecosystem of rejected but still incredible and useful apps spring up over time. If there's ever an unfilled niche the iPad doesn't address, there will almost certainly be "an app for that." You just might not be able to get it at the iTunes Store.

Why People Jailbreak ipad

Why People Jailbreak

Jailbreaking is a term that refers to a type of hack which opens up the mobile device to allow for the installation of unapproved third-party programs. It has become well known over the years as a method which provides access to pirated iPhone applications - versions of paid applications available for free download from special programs that can be installed on a jailbroken device. However, that's not the only reason that people jailbreak their iPhones and iPod Touches.

The main reason, many would argue, is not for free apps but for more apps - the kinds Apple doesn't approve of. Thanks to a highly-regulated iTunes App Store and the restrictions it imposes on developers, some of the best applications are available outside Apple's domain. Want to turn your iPhone into a modem providing Internet access to your laptop (aka "tethering")? Want to download YouTube videos for offline viewing? Want to tweak hidden settings on your phone? Transfer files with Bluetooth? Enable Flash? Skin the phone with a custom theme and icons? Run apps in the background? Filter phone calls? The list goes on and on.

And yet, while these hacks have great appeal to users of the small mobile devices, some of them will no longer be necessary on the iPad, Apple's upcoming slate computer whose launch is days away.
Why Jailbreak the iPad?

The ability to tether your iPhone to your laptop is one of the most popular reasons why people people jailbreak. However, on the iPad, you either have Wi-Fi only or you have 3G built in. Would you really need to tether your iPad to your notebook computer? Probably not. If you're carrying the iPad around, you probably left the notebook at home.

Another favorite among jailbreakers is an application called Winterboard. This theming app lets you redesign your iPhone's UI from icons to the background and even the battery icon and the "side to unlock" bar itself. On the iPad, though, users can now use any image as the iPad's background image instead of just on the lock screen as is done on the iPhone. While the iPad feature is obviously still much more limited in functionality, it will likely placate some of those who feel the need for just a tad more customization than is available on the iPhone itself.

Similarly, many of the jailbreaking apps that let you perform or tweak phone-related functions will no longer be necessary since the iPad is not a phone. Same goes for the camera apps - the iPad doesn't have one of those either. And Flash? Well, more and more sites are adopting HTML5 technology and with this, videos can be rendered plug-in free, just in time for iPad web surfers to enjoy.

So although there may end up being plenty of reasons to jailbreak the iPad, there will be - at least at launch time - far fewer reasons than on the iPad's sister devices like the iPhone and iPod Touch. But we wouldn't be surprised to see an ecosystem of rejected but still incredible and useful apps spring up over time. If there's ever an unfilled niche the iPad doesn't address, there will almost certainly be "an app for that." You just might not be able to get it at the iTunes Store.

The last day...

This is the last day of our field trip and this day is a very memorable day...

First, we wake up at 06.00 AM in the morning and we have to packing our luggage first before we go out from the hotel room, because we will directly check out that day. After that same with the second day. We had a breakfast in the hotel. After that we arrive at the Primasa to buy some merchandise to bring it to home. After that we go to see the Saung Angklung Udjo show. In there we see such a great show. After that we directly go to the Jakarta. Because of the time that was limited we just had our lunch at the bus. Before we back to the airport we had a meal again at the bukit randu restaurant. But it was bad actually because the food was not nice and it was taking so much time. After that we directly go to the airport and finally we say GOOD BYE TO JAKARTA....

Our Second Day...

Welcome Back again...

Now I will share you about the second day of the fieldtrip...

That day we have to get up at 06.00 AM in the morning. After that we had our breakfast at the hotel. After all of us full we directly go to the KAA (Konferensi Asia Afrika) Museum. From there we can learn many thing about the conference that was held in bandung. After that we go to the Geology Museum to see many types of rock. After that we go to distro and do some interview in there. After that we had lunch in Pagoda Restaurant. After that we go to the C59 to see how t-shirt are made. After that because of there is many student that request to go to the Paris Van Java, so we go to the Paris Van Java and do some shopping and eating thing. After that we go back to the hotel and have a nice sleep in there. We were very tired today but this day was a very good day.

Garuda Indonesia Training Center

Garuda Indonesia Training Center

PT.Garuda Indonesia which is the number one airline in Indonesia, has a series of tests and training to prospective employees or the employees themselves. Indonesia PT.Garuda recruit employees not only from the pilots alone or pramugarinya alone, but from the economic nor the technician who will take care of the technical and financial problems. Garuda Indonesia itself.

In terms of training their employees, PT. Garuda Indonesia to form a body called "Garuda Indonesia Training Center". This training institute is intended for all employees PT.Garuda Indonesia. Suppose for the pilot, GITC is doing a series of training ranging from English language training, the feasibility of flight, aviation safety, and so forth. For English language training course, pilots must pass several levels-level exams, ranging from level 1 to level 6. This is to meet the demands of the international language standard ICAO certified. And in terms of safety handling of Garuda Indonesia Training Center conducted a symposium on "the feasibility of flight safety (Flight Operation Safety)". The event was held jointly with Boeing, ICAO and Aviation Directorate of Certification & Eligibility (DSKU). Symposium which was followed by 43 "captain pilot" which comes from 20 national aviation company, to discuss the material on the Safety Management System (SMS), Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (Alar) and Threat and Error Management (TEM). This symposium aims to improve national aviation safety. The PT.Garuda support Indonesia at the symposium is to provide B-737-300/400 aircraft simulator facility located in Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC), to use the participants practice the material covered in the symposium. Garuda Indonesian initiative in support of the event is due to the reason for the SMS concept can be applied. Implementation of the concept of SMS in the airline include
how the policy / company policy (Chief Executive Officer / CEO) of safety, corporate organizational structure, planning and safety management target, method and device safety, safety in the corporate culture, an emergency response plan (planning the response to emergency situations) and others.

In addition to targeted training for pilots, Garuda Indonesia Training Center also conducts training for cabin crew or cabin crew candidates. In this training, cabin crew can learn how the ways to overcome passengers during an emergency, how to serve passengers well, and also how to be a good team work.

Garuda Indonesia traning center also conducts training for technicians Garuda Indonesia. The purpose of the training of technicians is how they (the technicians) to maintain the condition of the aircraft, and also how they can mengkondiskan conditions for aircraft to be flown.

And do not forget also, Garuda Indonesia Training Center conducted a training to the employees of Garuda Indonesia in finance. The purpose of this training is that to build and improve the quality and professionalism of its employees paara performance was marked by good thinking skills, have the ability to interact well and also has the soul of leadership (leadership skills).

Apart form of training, Garuda Indonesia Training Center is also developing E-Learning. The process of learning in such form has been developed by GITC along with the development of Information and Communication Technology Systems is increasingly rapidly, the need for a concept and mechanism for information technology-based teaching and learning becomes inevitable. So that the participants do not need to present to the class, participants ngmasih can do other tasks that his priorities, to learn at anytime and more important is the cost is very cheap compared to the conventional classroom.

In our opinion, the establishment of Indonesia Garuda Indonesia Training Center by PT.Garuda This is one form of attention PT. Garuda Indonesia on the quality of staffnnya, ranging from its pilots up to the employees in the field of finances. And as for a series of training organized by Garuda Indonesia Training Center is an effort in improving the quality and empowerment of Human Resources. Garuda Indonesia. In addition, training is also intended to provide good service for consumers Garuda Indonesia, and thus PT. Garuda Indonesia may be accepted in the hearts of the people of Indonesia or abroad.

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Our First Day...

Now I will Tell you our activities in the WWW (Week Without Wall) Fieldtrip activity in the first day. Have a nice reading...

The First day of our fieldtrip was a very good day. But the damned thing is we must to wake up in a very good morning. We wake very early because we must arrive at the Juanda at 05.00 morning Am and it was a very hard thing to do. Because, usually I got up in the morning at 06.30 Am in the morning. So I wake up at 03.30 Am and get some drink and food. After that I go to have a bath and prepare my luggage. I went to Juanda with my beloved father. After I arrive I meet some teacher and my friend. After that I give my luggage to the teacher and I got a piece of ticket that can allow me to go in to inside the airport. There are two flight schedule first schedule is at 06.20 and the second flight 07.20. Because I am a Pib student so I must to go to the first flight. After I arrive at the Jakarta airport and have some eat at the AW and waiting the national student to come because their flight is in the second flight. After the national student come we direct go inside the bus and directly go to the GMF (Garuda Maintanance Facilities) In there we can see many airoplane that were having their fixing time. There is airoplane with small injuries and there is airoplane that in critical status. In there we have some interview too with the crew. After that we continue our journey to the ACS (Aero Cattering Service) In there we can know how food in the airoplane must be in healthy and there must be even one hair in it. Because if there is one hair in the food they will must pay 2 million per hair. After that we have lunch in there. After we all full we go to the GITC (Garuda Indonesia Training Center) In there we can see many people are in the process of training to be a real classed aircrew. The instructor in this place was very nice and they answer all of our question. After that we go to the Kampung Daun to have dinner in there. It was very beautifull dinner place. Here are some photo of this place

After that we go to the Amaris Hotel to get nice sleep in there....

This is our first day in the field trip.. the next day will be post soon

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Saung Angklung Udjo...

Hello Everybody...
It's good to share you some other story about the field trip...

     This time I gonna tell you about the Saung Angklung Udjo That was held last time in Week Without Wall Field trip. It was a fantastic place. Saung Angklung Udjo was in Bandung. It was a very popular place in Bandung beside Paris Van Java. It is a must visit place in Bandung, because the first time you arrive at there you will see an ausome atmosphere and you will feel calm and comfortable at there. The address of this place is in Padasuka Street.

     Saung Angklung Udjo is a place where you can see an attraction of some traditional music from Indonesia with the Java traditional musical instrument. You can see there is Angklung, Gong, Gamelan, and more. They perform many music in the show such as Burung Kakak Tua, Music from Irian Jaya if I'm not wrong,and etc. Not just traditional music but they play some modern music too like Heal The World, etc. Perfomance that we see is Not just music but there is some traditional dances too in there. The reason we go to this place is so we can learn more about traditional music and dances.

The history of this place is In the 50’, there is a family – a married couple with 10 children – who started a story of establishing a unique art performance venue; the idea was to make bamboo as theme, so, the chairs, the musical instruments and even the stage, all are made of bamboo. Unexpectedly, the performance impressed the audience with a memorable experience. In every of their show people will always laugh and smile with the show. Day after day the people that come to this place is rising and rising. The owner Udjo Ngalagena was inspired by a philosophy named 5Ms : Mudah (easy), Murah (cheap), Mendidik (educative), Menarik (attractive), Massal (mass). Later on, Udjo put one additional value to perfect this philosophy, which is Meriah (cheerful) – that would change the face of Angklung afterwards. The show now become so popular in Bandung even Indonesia and Even there were many tourist from other country visit Bandung for see this perfomance.

In there we just not seeing the perfomance but after the perfomance we were invited to see how angklung are made. From there we can know that to make an angklung we must really accurate with the cutting, because if we don't really accurate the sound of the angklung will be fals and it will be really bad. The other thing for sure is we have to master first the technique to make angklung.

In there, we can buy some gifts too, example Angklung, Some traditional dolls, pen, T-shirt, and some necklace, bracelet, etc that you can put some words in it.

I learn so much thing from here. First, I can learn many traditional music from Java. Second, we can learn so much traditional music instrument in Java. Third, we can know how hard it is to make Angklung. Fourth, we can learn that Traditional music can play a good modern song too not just traditional music.

This is some picture about Saung Angklung Udjo:

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Hi all!!!
Welcome To this blog...
This Blog is all about WWW (Week Without Wall) Field trip that held last time...
I will share you all about the Field Trip...
Have a nice reading...

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011


Name :Albert
Age : 15
School : Cita Hati Senior School
Hobby : Play Games
Dreams : Sucessfull Businessman
Motto : To Make Something Changes We Have To Changes Ourselve First